Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

Memo to the judges.  Hello my friends! As the New Year draws upon us with greater speed, it's time for several changes around here, especially to the UOTM. Besides, up until now, it has been rather unclear as to what role/s you judges should play in this competition. Well, all that is going to change. 

So here's some of the new rules, as of December 2012: 

- If there is a tie, then the judges will decide on the winner, taking into account the innovation, FX, and storyline categories and coming to a general consensus. Run-off votes are discontinuedas they hinder the process. 

- Despite having been the judge who founded the contest, and who often operates the forum postand system as a whole, I am now officially only a judge amongst equals, with each judge beingentitled to a say. That said, I can still run the contest from day-to-day if necessary, as I know that several of you are rather busy as people too. 

- I have been considering proposing a merger with the UA's, in terms of the nominations (e.g.,whoever's nominated for the UA's is also nominated for the UOTM). Any feedback on this would be great.  

- Judges are free to initiate new rules, as long as they are agreed upon by the general consensus amongst the other judges. 

- On the form, the judges are free to discuss the nominees with each other, to attempt to come to adecision if there's a tie, to coordinate the release of the announcement videos and next forum post,and so on.  

It looks like there's going to be a tie this month, so if the judges could please come together on the forum and help me to make a decision (between the 31st of December and the 1st of January) thenthat would really be helpful. Thanks!  - Ben
