Why I decided to remove my videos...
As you all know, I removed my videos lately & started to make new ones (or remakes of old ones). That said, it wasn't because I'm retiring - far from it. It's because I've changed a lot for the better since 2010, when I begun in ernest.
When I started off I was your typical lonely/frustrated college kid with a lot of time on his hands, and decided to vent my emotions & energy and channel them into something creative and fun - hence how my parody-making began.
However, I was also a very cynical type of person & my works would often be offensive purely for the sake of it. Blasphemy & derision of religion, unnecessary swearing every few lines etc. In 2013 I discovered Islam & found a lot of peace in faith. I feel I've become a much better perso…
A myriad of things...
Hello everyone!
Since I've been getting up to a variety of things lately, and have a variety of requests and projects on my back, I thought I'd clarify what's currently going on:
- My part of the collab is finally up!
- My current parody series' episode is nearly complete, and should be coming out today (19th), with any luck.
- I have plans for other videos, such as some superweapon (one character's superweapon versus another's, and so on) videos, and other interesting things. I also need to make some more episodes of 'Hitler's Harsh Home Truths', especially as the first one about Ron Paul and Paultards went down a treat (lolbertardianism, what a ridiculous ideology, trolololo).
On that note, I'm off to complete these wonderful, visual treats. You…
Memo to the UOTM judges...
Memo to the judges. Hello my friends! As the New Year draws upon us with greater speed, it's time for several changes around here, especially to the UOTM. Besides, up until now, it has been rather unclear as to what role/s you judges should play in this competition. Well, all that is going to change.
So here's some of the new rules, as of December 2012:
- If there is a tie, then the judges will decide on the winner, taking into account the innovation, FX, and storyline categories and coming to a general consensus. Run-off votes are discontinuedas they hinder the process.
- Despite having been the judge who founded the contest, and who often operates the forum postand system as a whole, I am now officially only a judge amongst equals, with…
Unterganger of the Month and other updates
Hello everyone!
The good news is that I'm no longer as busy as I was before, and I'm able to release slightly more parodies than I was before (meaning that the UOTM is no longer delayed as it was before). December's voting thread will be up on time, my collaboration project with HitchcockJohn is nearly complete, as is a new YouTube Poop, and so on.
However, the bad news is that people still seemingly can't be bothered to vote in the contest - despite my efforts to promote the contest and encourage people to vote, I'm still ending up with a tie in the contest, most recently on the November thread. It still seems that some people can't be bothered to open a link and press a few keys (and I'm aware that that doesn't apply to many of you, thankf…
My profuse apologies
Fellow Untergangers...
I am very sorry for my lack of activity recently - I am well aware that I have the next part of my new series pending, as well as an Unterganger of the Month announcement video, an unnamed YouTube Poop, and work on a collaboration with HitchcockJohn.
However, the way things have been going recently, I just haven't had the time. I recently started university on the 23rd September, and even before then, I was busy packing and readying myself. Much of my time therefore has to go into finding my way around, lectures, a very active social life, and so on.
Because of this, I seem to have lost my zeal for making parodies, and often not had much time to do them anyway.
But I will hopefully make a comeback very soon. As I mention…