Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

SantaofLaughs is an American Unterganger who has been watching parodies since 2010. On May 2, 2013, SantaofLaughs decided to join the Wiki and make parodies of his own.


SantaofLaughs first discovered Downfall Parodies when he watched Hitler Discovers Pokemon Aren't Real by Beeerent.

What followed throughout 2010 was a close following of Staedty86 and Vzorkic

By September 2011, he was following TheSilverUniverse and Hitler Rants Parodies, along with many of the other leading Untergangers. 

SantaofLaugh's decision to finally start making his own videos occurred on May 2, 2013, after watching Theparodiesproject's Bunker Shorts series.


The style of SantaofLaughs is based on perpetuating the Bunker Shorts style of Theparodiesproject.  As a result, most of his videos are very short and have a direct punchline.  SantaofLaugh's approach to this humor is based on "the Everyday Bunker," meaning that the events all come from the ridiculous normality of Bunker life. His preferred method of illustrating the concept of "the Everyday Bunker" is through the "Koller Say" series, where Hitler gets Confucian advice from the Bunker's sage, Karl Koller.  Another variation on this style is the "Schadle Snacks" series, which involves the ever-hungry Schädle eating a variety of explosive foods.

SantaofLaughs also produces the run-of-the-mill "Hitler is Informed" type parodies, although he has never used the "Original Bunker Scene" in a parody.

SantaofLaughs has also shown an interest in participating in the Unterganger contests, such as DictatorAntics' Second Downfall Reenactment and JennieParker87's Create a Picture Contest.

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