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Hitler Parody Wiki
Kapitänleutnant Philipp Thomsen


Philipp Thomsen


Date unspecified

Notable For:

Excessive drinking, presenting drunken speeches

Hitler Parody Counterpart

Himmler, Burgdorf

Portrayed by:

Otto Sander


Bottle of Mass Destruction

Captain Philipp Thomsen was a U-Boat captain who served in the German navy during World War II. At some point in 1942, Thomsen recieved a medal for his services to the navy.

In The Parodies[]

Captain Thomsen is reportedly the best antic master in the entire navy, although he has yet to actually be seen performing an antic. Much like Wilhelm Burgdorf, Thomsen has a major drinking problem. He is often found hanging out in bars, where he will frequently need to make a speech of some sort, ranging from his bad stand-up comedy to opening NavyLand. He is also currently the only member of the U-Boat Parodies cast to have his own superweapon, the Bottle of Mass Destruction.

His counterpart in the Mirror Parody Universe, Nesmoht Ppilihp, is also the Grand Master of the Antic Order of the Mirror Eniramsgeirk (Kriegsmarine, or the German Navy).

Comparisons to Other Grand Masters[]


Thomsen Himmler
Very little screentime in their respective films.
Works as a "grand master of antics" although they more often endorse antics than actually perform them.
Thomsen holds a very strong anti-Nazi perspective Himmler oversaw many of the Nazi's operations and supported Hitler until he defected just before the war ended.
On perfectly good terms with the star of his parody series. One of Hitler's many arch-rivals, quite possibly among the worst.
Observes Lt. Werner from a distance A mentor to Fegelein.
Has the Bottle of Mass Destruction Does not have superweapon.


  • As Thomsen only has a very small role in Das Boot, and is not seen after the opening scene (although his submarine briefly appears), all of the scenes using him are from the beginning of the movie. Because of this, Thomsen is the only character in the U-Boat Parodies who does not change in appearance between videos.
  • It is unknown if he takes orders from Himmler, as he his implied to be a Grand Master of The Antic Order.
  • He is possibly the second-most drunk person in the Parodies, second ONLY to Burgdorf.