Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

Since the meme encompasses every topic in existance, sometimes celebrities from real life are used in Downfall parodies. Celebrities include actors, stars, directors, politicians, sportsmen, singers, models, etc.

All must be sorted in alphabetical order!

Also, the person in question must actually play an active role in at least one parody. Not just mentioned. Otherwise the list will get too long.

Note: Actors, whose characters are used in parodies (like Darth Vader - James Earl Jones/Hayden Christensen or Claus von Stauffenberg - Tom Cruise) are not considered here, as it's their character that's being parodied. Only if there is a parody of the said actor, he can be put on the list.


Name In the parodies

Megan Fox

Appeared in RBC56's Hitler's Lucid Dream

Lauren Francesca

Appeared in several of RBC56's parodies.


Name In the parodies

George Becali

Appeared in MabusParodies's Hitler and the crazy laughing George Becali.

Bill Gates

Appeared in HRP's Hitler throws a pie at Bill Gates.


Name In the parodies

Gordon Ramsay

Appeared in HRP's Hitler phones Gordon Ramsay.


Name In the parodies
Silvio Berlusconi Appeared in DictatorAntics' Berlusconi's humping of annihilation series.
George W. Bush Appeared in HRP's Hitler phones George W. Bush and Staedty86's Hitler wants to find a new successor.

Barack Obama

Appears in HRP's Hitler throws book at President Obama.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Appeared in HRP's Hitler attacks President Sarkozy.
Donald Trump Appeared in HRP's Hitler interviews Donald Trump.
Bernie Sanders Appeared in HRP's Hitler interviews Bernie Sanders.
Ted Cruz Appeared in HRP's Hitler interviews Ted Cruz.

Kim Jong-un

Appeared in HRP's Hitler phones Kim Jong-un.

Singers and bands[]

Name In the parodies

Kate Bush

Appears occasionally to serve as a representation of "good music" in contrast to Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber

Appeared in countless parodies, where he's mocked, shot, killed. For more info see its page.

Black Eyed Peas

Appeared in Benad361's Hitler phones the Black Eyed Peas.
Rebecca Black Appeared in countless parodies.

Lady Gaga

Appeared in smoglessbutton4's Hitler phones Lady Gaga
Gotye Appeared in mfaizsyahmi's Hitler phones Gotye.
Eduard Khil Appeared in countless parodies, where he trolls his way across the bunker.
Metallica Appeared in Hitler thows his shoes at James Hetfield
Psy Hitler's face is headpasted in many Gangnam Style and Gentleman parodies.


Name In the parodies

Michael Schumacher

Hitler reviewed him once.

Usain Bolt

Hitler didn't react very well when he found out that he broke the 100 m world record.

Maria Sharapova

Appeared in several parodies, some of which comment on or parody her grunting habit.